The Switch gets a ridiculous amount of indie game releases – in fact, Nintendo is looking at getting 20-30 indie game releases on the console every week – and to help users keep up with the sheer volume of upcoming releases, Nintendo has announced a new Indie Channel on the Switch newsfeed, to help users stay informed of upcoming indie releases on the system.
The Indie Channel will host news updates, interviews, development diaries, and even announcements and surprises- if you are subscribed to it, you will get updates from it pushed directly to your lock screen (you can subscribe to a channel by going to the News app, and pressing the + button). With the eShop layout currently ill equipped to handle such a vast quantity of game releases, this is certainly one way of tackling the discoverability issue that otherwise ends up plaguing every popular digital storefront that there is.
Whether or not it helps to keep indie games discoverable on the platform for users remains to be seen, but at least Nintendo is trying.