Nintendo Blames 3DS Price-Cut for the Loss in this Financial Quarter

According to their financial briefing, Nintendo has revealed that the major loss was due to the 3DS price-cut, which ate away all their potential revenue. Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata also mentioned that, such a move was needed to make the system attractive to consumers.

We don’t know how much Nintendo is losing per 3DS hardware but the price cut was pretty huge, as the system costed $250 earlier and is $160-$180 now.

“Some of you may be thinking that, with the expansion of smartphones today, proposing new genres, such as the company did with Brain Training and Wii Fit, might be difficult,” said Iwata.

“However, the company will aim to develop and launch products that can provide meaningful surprises to the public by taking advantage of the company’s position of being able to make new proposals that integrate both hardware and software, and of its ability to develop products that can be accepted by a wide variety of consumers, irrespective of age, gender or past gaming experience.”

Will the 3DS sell as much as the DS? Considering the sales till now are better than what the DS did, it seems likely.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Thanks, EG.
