Nintendo Boss on NX: For Us, It’s Not About Specs

"We are a content focused company."

There have been a lot of conflicting reports about exactly what the NX is, and just what kind of a console Nintendo ay have planned. A lot of people expect Nintendo to come out swinging with basically their version of the PS4, which will help them take over the console market again- but recent reports have given us conflicting reports about the system’s power, a lot of them even indicating it might not even surpass the current Xbox One.

Of course, reports like these are easy to ignore- if only because they are unsubstantiated rumors after all, right? However, now Nintendo of America’s Reggie Fils-Aime has dealt what might be the death blow to a lot of people’s aspirations for the NX.

“You know, for us, it’s not about specs, it’s not about TFLOPs, it’s not about the horsepower of a specific system,” he said in an interview with Bloomberg West. “For us it’s about the content. Nintendo is a content focused company, we create entertainment that makes people smile. So for us, we’re focused on bring our best entertainment to both, the Wii U and NX on the future.”

Uh huh. This is exactly the rhetoric that we heard from Nintendo going into the Wii U’s launch. For some reason, I’m not as confident about the NX any more.

NintendoNintendo NX