Nintendo Direct very popular, 1 million users per week – Iwata

"Tthey were sick of intermediaries bungling up their announcements."

Nintendo Direct which was unveiled by Nintendo earlier this year is a simple way for the company directly to address its fans and really describe a product or service without any outside distractions that you normally see in big events like E3 and GamesCom.

Satoru Iwata has revealed that the presentation is incredibly popular with up to 1 million users per week. The main reason why the presentation was created because they were sick of intermediaries bungling up their announcements.

“When we launched Nintendo Direct a year ago, we did not know how many people would care to watch it, but now it appears that as many as 600,000 to 1 million people watch our Nintendo Direct videos in a week,” Iwata revealed at a Q&A.

“Because Nintendo Direct can reach out to such a wide audience, we feel that it is definitely worthwhile to devote our energy to continuing our Nintendo Direct endeavors. In fact, each time we do a Nintendo Direct broadcast, more people visit the Nintendo eShop to download game demos and 3D videos, and it has become clear that it also leads to a higher use rate of the hardware, and even higher hardware sales. This convinces us that it is worthwhile to do regular broadcasts.”

“One important reason why we launched Nintendo Direct is that we had a very difficult problem where new game information that we announced was quickly distorted and then spread before we could put it up on the Internet.

“Until recently, we simply had no other choice but to deliver our messages through the media, but today, thanks to the advent of the Internet, watching videos (online) is nothing out of the ordinary, and it has created new ways in which to make announcements.”

I think it’s a good idea by Nintendo, which Sony has tried to do as well not too much success. Let us what you think in the comments section below.

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