Nintendo Employees Work Less Than 8 Hours A Day On Average, Make $80,000 Annually

See Rockstar, it’s possible to make great games without abusing your employees.

The treatment of employees in the video game industry has been a matter of contention and controversy for a while now. Ever since the treatment of Rockstar developers in the lead-up to the launch of Red Dead Redemption 2 started the conversation, crunch has been topic of discussion in general. That, combined with the recent spate of layoffs across the board in the industry, makes it seem as though the developers of our favorite games enjoy very miserable, insecure jobs.

Unless you are working at Nintendo, apparently. As part of its recruitment drive, Nintendo has published some internal employment statistics (translated by Niko Partners analyst Daniel Ahmad on Twitter), and they paint a shocking picture about how much better Nintendo employees are treated than the average developer. They work less than 8 hours a day, make $80,000 a year, and stay with the company for over 13 years on average, indicating they are satisfied, and see no reason to leave (nor are they laid off or fired).

And in spite of this, Nintendo manages to make some of the greatest games ever made! Imagine that.
