Nintendo Explains All The Secrecy Around the NX

'Competitors may take our ideas.'

Nintendo’s NX system may be one of the biggest enigmas in gaming history for a while- indeed, the last time I can remember there being so much hush hush secrecy around a gaming platform was the Wii, back when it was called Revolution, way before it was launched. A lot of people have speculated that one of the reasons that Nintendo does not talk about the NX just yet is that the system is not ready for the market, and by talking about it, they don’t want to divert all attention and consumer expectation to it, and cut off whatever life the Wii U may yet have in it.

And that certainly is one reason. As it turns out, there is more to it than that. Apparently, Nintendo is banking on something about the NX being a complete, total surprise, something to captivate the imagination, much like the Wii originally did- something that they can’t risk leaking or being copied.

“We can’t talk about the NX,” Nintendo’s president Satoru Iwata said in yesterday’s investor call (translated by Cheesemeister3k). “If we do, competitors may take our ideas and customers won’t be surprised.”

He also confirmed that, at least as of right now, Nintendo plans on continuing to support the 3DS and Wii U for a while.

“This would not be beneficial for the company or its shareholders,” Iwata added. “The NX is new hardware, and will start from 0. However, the 3DS and Wii U have install bases. Immediately cutting off software for previous hardware upon the release of a new machine is inefficient.”

“We will continue making 3DS and Wii software while preparing for the NX. We are prioritizing satisfying customers who purchased the Wii U.”

Of course, this doesn’t explain why the Wii U’s lineup is so barren right now.

Stay tuned to Nintendo for more news and coverage regarding the NX- whatever the hell it turns out to be.

3DSNintendoNXrevolutionWiiwii u