Nintendo Explains Why Labo Uses Cardboard Material

Nintendo's Director Shinya Takahashi discusses why the team decied to use cardboard kits.

When the Nintendo Labo was first announced, many people were excited because it seemed like a great way of mixing video games with the fun of do-it-yourself products. However, it’s certainly a concern among some that cardboard cutouts may not be very suitable for the project due to a lack of durability. In recent Q&A with investors, Nintendo Director Shinya Takahashi discussed why the team chose cardboard material and why it’s a suitable material for this project.

According to Takahashi-san, the team discovered that while making a “robot” prototype the “trial-and-error process” of finally getting to make the finished product was in itself a lot of fun. “That led our concept for Nintendo Labo to be developed as something that people could enjoy in all of its aspects, not just in playing with the finished product, but also in making some repairs along the way and after it is complete and in understanding the mechanics,” he stated.

These cardboard kits will see for $70-80 and game cartridges are included along with these kits. Furthermore, Nintendo has stated that they will offer replacements for anyone who breaks their cardboard kit.

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