Nintendo fears ‘loss of fan trust’ over 3DS price cut

Nintendo have recently made a surprise price cut to the 3DS, but fear there may be negative ramifications from this.

“Never in Nintendo’s history have we dropped a system’s trade price so significantly less than six months after launch,” the company said in a statement.

“We are aware this may cause you, the loyal fans who supported Nintendo 3DS from the beginning, to lose trust in us, and this is not our intention in any way. All of you who have kindly supported Nintendo 3DS from the beginning are Nintendo’s most important customers.”

Nintendo are attempting to appease early adopters of the system who may be annoyed by this price slash by offering 20 free games from the Nintendo eShop to those who bought a system early on.

“These Nintendo 3DS owners to download 10 NES games and 10 Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games for free.”

“To be registered for this programme, the Nintendo 3DS owners simply need to connect to the Nintendo eShop before the 12th of August. The free software will then be made available at a later stage.”

At least Nintendo are trying to keep their loyal following.

Thanks to CVG for the info.
