Nintendo Hiring For New 3D Action Adventure Game

You'll never see it coming?

Nintendo is currently on fire, delivering hit after hit, industry defining games and critically acclaimed software on an almost monthly basis. So of course, as 2017 comes to a close, all eyes are on them to see how they plan on continuing this momentum next year.

This new job listing that has emerged for a 3D action adventure game planner at the company’s Kyoto office gives us some hints and clues- specifically, it sounds like Nintendo EPD is looking for someone to fill that post. Now, there are multiple takeaways here- 3D action adventure tells us the general type of game Nintendo is looking at making; and the fact that they are looking for a new planner indicates that this isn’t an established IP like Zelda or Mario, who have specific producers and directors who return to work on them for each new installment.

So- a new IP? Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma did say he wanted to work on a new game starring thieves. Or are we looking at a revival of an older IP, such as Star Tropics? It will be interesting to see what this turns out to be.

NintendoNintendo EPD