Nintendo Issues A Statement On Joycon Connectivity Issues

Is the issue blown out of proportion?

The Nintendo Switch launch has been largely successful thus far, owing to the release of the superlative The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild right alongside it. Unfortunately, it does seem like the launch has been marred somewhat by, uncharacteristically for Nintendo, hardware issues.

The most widespread of these have been the reports of the left Joycon on the system intermittently disconnecting- causing a lot of interruptions in gameplay. Nintendo have previously acknowledged the issue, but in a new statement, they addressed the issue head on.

“At Nintendo, we take great pride in creating quality products and we want our consumers to have a positive experience,” Nintendo said. “It is common with any new innovative consumer technology for consumers to have questions, and Nintendo Switch is no exception. There are no widespread technical problems, and all issues are being handled promptly, including the reports regarding the left Joy-Con Bluetooth connection. To best support our customers, we continuously update the online consumer support site and provide real-time answers to the questions we are receiving. We want our consumers to get up and running quickly to have fun with Nintendo Switch, and if anything falls short of this goal we encourage them to contact Nintendo’s Consumer Service team. For help with any hardware or software questions, please visit:”

I do think the issues have been overblown- but this happens with every new hardware launch. To Nintendo’s credit, they have also been very generous with replacement units to anyone who has reported a problem. Hopefully, however, they can isolate the problem and stamp it out in newer production batches for the system.

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