Nintendo Planning Production Increase For Switch, Would Ship 50 Million Units By April 2019

To meet the incredible demand, Nintendo makes an incredible shipping goal for next fiscal year.

Nintendo keeps pumping out their hot new Nintendo Switch console by the millions and the system keeps getting scooped up by customers, so once again the company is making plans to ramp up their production pipelines to meet demand.

The Wall Street Journal has corroborated with several sources that the house that built Mario is making plans to ship somewhere between 25 and 30 Million units of their hybrid console by the end of their next fiscal year. If this comes to pass, Nintendo will have shipped 50 Million units by the end of its second year on the market.

This huge goal speaks to just how ravenous the gaming public is for the Nintendo Switch, and how well Nintendo has course corrected in the last 8 months. For comparison, the Wii took 3 years to hit that 50 million milestone, while the entire life of the Wii U only managed 13.56 million. If the Switch does manage this goal within that fiscal year, it would be historic, as no other system, even PS2 or Wii, managed to achieve this.

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