Nintendo Power – Shutting Down

Nintendo Power has officially reported that the publication of their magazines is about to be over. Nintendo Power has been around for 24 years, and now the time has come an end.  We do not know how many more issues will be published after the shutdown.

This is very upsetting news for those who have been subscribers for the last few years, and those who have been reading, and collecting Nintendo Power issues from day 1. No more cool covers to look at, no more fan art, or free copies of games. We live in a modern time now where the internet has taken over the print media. Thanks to the new technologies we now have digital software, digital magazines, digital music, and even digital strategy guides

Nintendo Power you will be missed by all the fans, people who just love collecting issues of their favorite magazine of all times. Nintendo Power is in all our hearts, and childhood memories, but the time has come to move on.

Source – IGN

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