Nintendo President: “We Don’t Agree That Cloud Gaming is the Future”

Talks about unified development and how there are things you can't do with Cloud gaming.

At the financial results briefing for investors that occurred earlier this week, in which Nintendo revised its March end sales goals for the Wii U, President Satoru Iwata talked a bit about why the publisher doesn’t look at Cloud gaming as the future.

“There are things you can do with Cloud gaming and there are things you can’t do. We don’t agree that Cloud gaming is the future and we are trying to work hard on a future where gaming-only consoles are not gone.

“Unified platforms are for us, not platforms that are one but rather platforms that have the same development architecture. This also means that there could be more platforms.”

Shigeru Miyamoto also spoke at the meeting, stating, “We needed to create new development environments for Wii U and 3DS unlike Wii which reused the GameCube architecture. We are unifying our development teams to accommodate this challenge and minimize the losses while preparing the shift. I think handhelds and consoles will coexist as the aim is different.”

Source: NeoGAF

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