Nintendo Says Switch Trailer Gameplay Graphics May Change

Here's hoping they don't get worse.

Ever since Nintendo officially unveiled the Switch one of the big questions was, “how is the company going to avoid keeping the new console from becoming another Wii?” There are a number of ways in which the company can avoid this, but the first one is that the firm needs to make sure they don’t make a ton of marketing mistakes.

That’s why it’s a bit annoying that Nintendo has made it clear that the gameplay graphics that were shown off in the reveal trailer are not what people should expect to see in the finished product. That isn’t to say that there isn’t a chance they won’t be as good, but for that reveal trailer, a company rep told Eurogamer the graphics were largely smoke and mirrors.

“This video is all about explaining how the Nintendo Switch works,” a UK spokesperson said to EuroGamer. “We wanted to convey in a self-contained video how Nintendo Switch represents a new era for video game systems enjoyed in front of a TV, by letting gamers play anywhere, anytime, with anyone they choose. It adds the mobility of a portable system to the power of a home gaming system.”

“At a later date, before the March launch, we’ll be talking about things like exact launch date, and of course, the games. You shouldn’t assume what you saw on the video represents actual game footage and further specifics on first-party games will be provided later.”

Well, that is a bummer.

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