Nintendo Switch Continues To Dominate Japanese Sales Charts

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sees a solid series best debut too.

The latest Media Create report on game hardware and software sales in Japan last week is now out, and, as expected, the Nintendo Switch completely dominated on the hardware front, with almost 125,000 units sold. This is, yet again, more than what every other system on the market put together managed to sell.

The 3DS came in second place with 36,000 units sold, while the PS4 got a respectable third place with 33,000 units sold. On the software side of things, Pokemon UltraSun/UltraMoon continue to remain at the top of the charts; they couldn’t be unseated by the debut of Xenoblade 2, which, with almost 100,000 units sold, saw a series best debut and a second place ranking nonetheless.

Now, new releases are going to slow down in Japan for a while, at least until late January- but the Holiday shopping season usually sees a frenzy nonetheless, and sales should continue to go higher over the next few weeks. It will be fascinating to see how it all plays out.

[via ResetEra]

Japanmonolith softNintendonintendo switchXenoblade Chronicles 2