Nintendo Switch Gets An Excellent Super Bowl Ad

Looks like Nintendo is taking the Switch launch very seriously.

One of the biggest reasons for the Wii U’s failure was its horrid marketing- most people were simply not aware that the Wii U even existed, and those who were thought that it was a Wii accessory (and it was priced simply too high to be that). Marketing was the primary and prime cause for the Switch’s failure- and it looks like Nintendo got the message loud and clear, because the marketing for the Switch has been on point so far.

But all of that probably pales next to what Nintendo have done here- they will be advertising the Nintendo Switch at the Super Bowl this year, the biggest television and marketing event annually in North America. And the ad that they will be airing? Well, it’s slick and great, and gets the point across incredibly well. You can check it out for yourself below.

It seems as though Nintendo is taking the marketing for the Switch very seriously, generating mainstream awareness around the system- that’s good, that means we should see it do very well in the market. The Nintendo Switch launches on March 3, 2017 worldwide.

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