Nintendo Switch Getting Its First Media App Today- Hulu

First of many to come?

It’s taken almost nine months since its initial launch, but the Switch will finally begin getting media apps from today. The very first one of these will be, surprisingly enough, not Netflix or YouTube- which are two of the most popular media services in the world. Instead, it seems like the first one will be Hulu.

Hulu is admittedly very popular in the United States, where it has made some impressive strides in market share growth- but it is popular only in the United States, because that is the only place it is available. Nonetheless, this bodes well, because it indicates that media apps will be coming to the system after all- hopefully, these include Netflix, YouTube, CrunchyRoll, Spotify, and Twitch, among others, in the future.

The Switch has, until now, not had any media app whatsoever (outside of NicoNico in Japan)- but as the system finally finds its footing, hopefully Nintendo is getting ready to expand its functionality a bit, too.

HuluNintendonintendo switch