Nintendo Switch In Stock At Amazon US, Almost $100 More Than Retail Price

This is starting to get out of hand...

The stock shortages of the Nintendo Switch have become well documented at this point- getting your hands on a Switch is becoming increasingly difficult no matter where you are in the world. Hell, people are standing in line for hours at end in Japan to get their hands on the newest Nintendo system. There’s clearly a lot of demand for the Switch, and not nearly enough supply.

And what do you know, that also means that it is now being sold at obscenely high prices at a lot of places. The Nintendo Switch with the red and blue Joycons is currently in stock at, which is a pretty surprising thing in and of itself. What is really shocking, though, is that the system is being sold at $395 (at the time of writing), which is almost $100 more than it’s $299 retail price. What’s also remarkable is that, at the time of writing, the listing is showing that there’s only ten more of them left in stock (though the number keeps fluctuating and goes up and down).

Considering how the supply for Switch has been well short of the incredible demand, it’s not really that much of a surprise to see it being sold at higher prices- but the $100 gulf is a bit hard to swallow. That, however, doesn’t seem to be the case for a lot of people, since it’s already selling out like crazy. Have you or anyone you know been affected by these stock shortages for the Switch? Tell us in your comments.

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