Nintendo Switch OLED Accounted for 70% of All Switch Sales in the UK Last Week

The Switch's newest model reportedly had a "significantly better launch" than the Nintendo Switch Lite did back in 2019.

The Nintendo Switch OLED was on the receiving end of plenty of backlash back when Nintendo first announced it (primarily due to all the expectations surrounding the rumoured Switch Pro), but clearly, that hasn’t affected the device’s sales. As GamesIndustry reports, the Switch OLED saw a successful launch in the UK last week, selling “significantly” more than the Switch Lite did upon launch back in 2019.

In fact, last week was the 14th biggest week for the Switch in terms of sales in the UK since its 2017 launch. All of the 13 bigger weeks are either Black Friday or Christmas periods, with one week (placed fourth) being the week of the original Switch’s launch itself. Last week, the Switch OLED accounted for 70% of all Switch sales in the UK.

Interestingly enough, the Switch OLED already accounts for 7% of all Switch consoles sold in the UK to date. By comparison, the Switch Lite currently has a 20% share, two years on from its launch.

Metroid Dread also launched last week, and also got off to a great start in terms of sales in the UK. Read more on that through here.

Nintendonintendo switchnintendo switch liteNintendo Switch OLED