Nintendo Switch Online Service Will Cost $17-$25 A Year- Nintendo President

That's less than half of what PSN and Xbox Live charge.

When Nintendo announced that their online services would be going paid at the Nintendo Switch reveal last month, a lot of people were incredulous- how could this company, that had so far failed to build a proper online network, or public confidence in their ability to build one, think it could get away with charging users for it? Sony had spent years fostering goodwill with PSN and PS Plus before it had decided to lock online behind a paywall, for example.

Happily, it sees as though Nintendo understands this to some degree, because the Switch’s online subscription will not be costly at all. Speaking to Nikkei (via Nintendo Everything), Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima revealed that the company’s online services for the Switch would cost ¥2000-¥3000 a year- this would come down to $17-$25 a year roughly, at exchange rates as they stand right now.

That’s not a bad price at all, annually- that is less than half of what PSN and Xbox Live charge. Given that Nintendo has just enough online games that their fans might want to play – Super Smash Bros., Pokemon, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, and of course, Splatoon – this price is low enough that most of them will probably happily subscribe.

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