Nintendo: We sold 1.5 million hardware during Black Friday

Nintendo laughed all the way to not one but many banks during Black Friday.

The company revealed that it sold 900k DS units and a solid 0.6 million Wii units during Black Friday over Thanksgiving week in the US.

The DS sales comprise all the models, including DS Lite, DSi and DSi XL.

Reggie Fils-Aime can’t control his delight:

“U.S. shoppers bought about 9,000 Nintendo hardware systems nonstop for every hour of every day during the week of Black Friday,”

“For the past several years, consumers have decided that Nintendo defined both top value and all-inclusive entertainment, and that sentiment continues again at the start of this shopping season.” He said.

Their total sales of hardware amounted to a whopping 1.5 million units during the weekend.

Good times for Nintendo. The company also saw some major games releases over the course of the Holidays, including Donkey Kong, Kirby and Super Scribblenauts and more.

black fridayDSNintendorevealedSalesWii