No loading screens for Killzone 3

Breaking new ground, Killzone 3 will completely bypass loading screens.

It’s amazing what technology can do these days- 10 years ago, we expected to have to wait a few minutes before launching your favourite game. But the latest generation of games is giving a firm middle finger to loading screens altogether.

From Uncharted 2’s hidden loading screens, disguised by a cutscene, to Fifa’s letting-you-take-pot-shots-while-you-wait, games nowadays are trying hard to make sure you stay engaged.

Killzone 3 is looking to take it one step further. The game will be entirely streamed, as confirmed by Herman Hulst, the managing director at Sony’s first party studio, Guerilla Games.

“We’re excited what the PS3 can do for us and what we can do for it… (speaking of loading screens), literally everything is streamed now”.

This contrasts heavily with the lengthy waits found in Killzone 2- up to 30 seconds for a single player level load and even more when taking the fight online.

But this new technological leap can only be a good thing, as developers now have the ability to keep you firmly in the action at all times.

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