Notch: EA “methodically destroying” games, they are “cynical bastards”

Notch had a lot to say on Twitter about EA, and what prompted this outburst? Apparently, EA has released an Indie bundle on Steam, which are filled with games that, according to Notch, cannot be classified as Indie in the first place.

I mean, you can’t blame EA for not knowing what are Indie games, but seeing such an outburst from Notch is indeed a little unsettling.

“EA releases an ‘indie bundle’? That’s not how that works, EA,” he said.

“Stop attempting to ruin everything, you bunch of cynical bastards.

“I don’t even call Mojang indie any more. Vlambeer is indie. Polytron is indie. Stephen, Ed, Terry, Derek, Tommy and Chris are indie. Indies are saving gaming. EA is methodically destroying it.”

He then, attempted to explain people that his outburst was against EA and he had no issue with content creators who developed amazing games like Shank — which is featured in the EA Indie Bundle.

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