Persona 3 and 5 Dancing Get Some Vibrant TV Commercials

See your favourite characters jamming it to your favourite tunes.

Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Stars Night are due out in Japan soon, which means advertising for them on TV has started (you see, in Japan, Persona is a big enough series that it gets major commercial airtime on television). The two newest commercials, one for each game, show off some favourite characters from each—you can check them out for yourself below.

In the vein of Persona 4: Dancing All Night, Dancing Moon Night and Dancing Star Night are rhythm games starring characters from each of those games jamming it to some fan favourite tunes from each. Given how great the music in Persona games is, and that this is the only way I get to dance with Makoto, these games are sorely necessary.

Both games launch on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in Japan come May 24. A western release has not yet been announced or confirmed—hopefully soon.

Atluspersona 3: dancing moon nightPersona 5 Dancing star nightPS Vitaps4