Persona 4: Dancing All Night Is Getting Some… Interesting DLC

This might be the most fan servicey thing ever.

Persona 4: Dancing All Night is basically one of the most obvious products of all time, waiting to happen- a rhythm game based on the excellent music of the Persona series. That said, it is also meant to be a chance for the developers to let loose and have some fun with its ridiculous premise, and not take things too seriously for a change.

It is also, apparently, a way to have some, er, fan service. You see, two new DLC packs were announced for the game, none of them actually having anything to do with music or dancing. Instead, they are costume DLC, and they showcase our characters in… interesting… ways.

The first of these packs is the Female Swimsuit Pack, which gives you the option to dress up Yukiko, Rise, Naoto, and Chie all in swimsuits. But to even this out, there is also a Cross Dressing DLC pack, which has Yu, Yosuke, Kanji, and Teddie all in their cross dressing costumes from Persona 4’s cultural exchange event.

I mean… I guess this is… I don’t quite know what to say about it.

Persona 4: Dancing All Night launches on PS Vita in June in Japan, and everywhere else later this year.

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