Persona 5: Dancing Star Night Trailer Highlights Everyone’s Favorite, Makoto

Plus Aigis got a trailer for Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night as well.

I have very literally been waiting for this ver since the game was originally announced- this week’s batch of trailers, one each for Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night, is now out; as is the case, each trailer focuses on one character from their respective games- arguably the most popular characters from the games in question, in fact.

Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night‘s trailer shows us Aigis busting a move to the great music from Persona 3; meanwhile, the trailer for Persona 5: Dancing Moon Night shows us Makoto Niijima (who is very literally the best character and best girl in Persona 5, and I will fight anyone who disagrees) shaking it to the wonderful Whims of Fate.

Both games look stylish as heck, and are bound to be wonderful for fans of the franchise. You can check out both the trailers below. Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night will both launch on the PS4 and PS Vita later this year in Japan.

Atluspersona 3: dancing star nightpersona 5: dancing moon nightPS Vitaps4