Platinum Games: Stop With The Bayonetta 2 Port Begging Already

"We heard you. We get it."

Last year, Nintendo shocked one and all when they announced that Bayonetta 2, the sequel to the acclaimed action game by Platinum Games, would be exclusive to the Wii U. Lots of rage and port begging commenced, even after it came to light that Sega had canned Bayonetta 2 completely, and it was only Nintendo’s funding that saved it.

Even though outspoken Platinum developer Kamiya has spoken against the port begging at length, people haven’t stopped. Now, Platinum Games Creative Producer JP Kellams has spoken out against everyone who won’t stop asking for PlayStation or Xbox versions of the upcoming game.

‘I hate posting anything Bayonetta 2 on our Facebook. Not because I hate Bayonetta 2, but because I hate the pedantic port-begging. It’s been over a year since we announced. We heard you. We get it. We are just happy that we get to make Bayonetta 2 for the patient fans.’

It has to be rough on the developers to constantly hear the so called fans whining.

Seriously, if you guys want Bayonetta 2 so badly, just buy a Wii U to play it. The console’s library is picking up with some excellent games anyway, so it won’t be a bad purchase.

[Nintendo Life]

Bayonetta 2NintendoPlatinum GamesSegawii u