Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu/Let’s Go Eevee Get New Videos Showing Off Battle Animations

Nothing spectacular, but they do look nice.

Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! are due out later this year, and they won’t exactly be traditional Pokemon games. They eschew wild Pokemon battles, and are more streamlined entries aimed at a more casual audience- they still mark the first console Pokemon games by Game Freak. And they do have some battles- trainer battles, but still.

Those trainer battles, complete with their gorgeous attack animations, are what are being shown off in this new set of videos for Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee. There’s five of them, and we get to see a Seismic Toss, as well as a double battle. They look sweet, not anything spectacular, but they look better than in the 3DS games, which already looked pretty good. Hopefully, battles in Pokemon 8 next year get a proper, thorough facelift either way, but for now, what we have here isn’t too bad for the series’ debut on home consoles either.

Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! launch on Nintendo Switch on November 16.

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