Pokemon Let’s Go Will Have “Master Trainers” in the Post Game, Developer Reveals

The director of the game hints at difficult post game content.

Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! have been disappointing a whole lot of long time Pokemon fans due to some of their more controversial decisions. Some of these, such as the gating of gym battles behind you having the Pokemon you need to win, or reducing Pokemon catching to a simple mini game like in Pokemon GO, have all been perceived to be making the games even easier and more streamlined than the last few entries have already been—which, take it from me, is saying something, given how easy and streamlined Pokemon has become in the last few years.

However, it seems like even Let’s Go may have some difficult content for the player—it just sounds like it will be packed away into the post game, instead of being a part of the story. Speaking to Polygon, Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda, director of Let’s Go, talked about how some of the more challenging content in the game will be available once the main story is beaten.

“A good portion of the more difficult stuff is in the post-game,” he said. “There’s ways to strengthen your Pokémon, and the reason you [want to] do that is, you take on these master trainers these really powerful trainers that you encounter after the main story.”

The last few Pokemon games have all had pretty weak post-games, so I don’t know if I dare believe that Let’s Go will be different on this front—but I will be so happy if it is.

Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! launch on Nintendo Switch on November 16. Make sure to check out the newest trailer for the games, which shows off the dangerous Mewtwo.

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