Pokemon Sun and Moon Screenshots Pop Up On Amazon Japan

"It's time to d-d-d-d" Whoops, sorry wrong franchise

We’re just a few days away from getting more information about Pokemon Sun and Moon, on Monday. Ahead of that, an Amazon Japan listing revealed a whole set of new in-game images for the two 3DS games. Make sure to check out the images below.  We’re all set to receive new information about Pokemon Sun and Moon from the Pokemon Company on August 1st.

While we’re not sure just how it’s supposed to pan out, Pokemon Sun and Moon will also be receiving some kind of connectivity to Pokemon Go. Hype surrounding Pokemon Sun and Moon has unsurprisingly been on the upswing, considering the dramatic success of Nintendo’s (well, Niantic’s, really) first major foray into mobile. Well, that is not counting the abomination that is Miitomo.

Pokemon Sun and Moon are slated for release in November, on the 3DS. What’s your take on the two?

Pokemon Sun and Moon