Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Announced Exclusively For Nintendo 3DS

The Stars did not align...

This was not what we wanted, admittedly. The next mainline entry in the Pokemon series will be Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, an expanded remix of the superlative Pokemon Sun/Moon that launched last year. This game will be releasing exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS later this year.

Pokemon game for the Nintendo Switch had been widely speculated upon and rumored- indeed, Pokemon Stars had reached almost mythical status among Pokemon fans. However, for now, it looks like that is not going to be happening. If Pokemon makes the jump to the Switch – which it probably will eventually, given that there is no other portable system for it to jump to – then it is likely that it will do so with a brand new game instead.

Meanwhile, you can check out the first trailer for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon below. More information for this game will be shared later, ahead of its worldwide November 17 release date.

game freakNintendo 3DSnintnedopokemon ultra moonpokemon ultra sunthe pokemon company