PopCap’s Last Founding Member Leaves Studio

John Vechey recently announced his departure from the Plants vs. Zombies developer.

CEO of PopCap Interactive John Vechey who has been with the studio since the beginning as its co-founder and oversaw development on games like Plants vs. Zombies and Peggle has departed from the studio. Vechey is the final member of the original founding team to leave after Brian Fiete and Jason Kapalka departed in recent years.

Vechey’s marriage and spending time with his daughter his inspired him to do more in his life, according to a letter he sent his colleagues, and he will be joining an NPO for solving “peace and social justice issues, such as war abolition, prison reform, poverty and the effects of race and gender privilege.”

Vechey believes in EA CEO Andrew Wildon’s “vision of a company that puts its players first” and stated that, “The best years are ahead for both EA and PopCap, and I look forward to watching development teams live up to what it means to be electronic artists.”

Meanwhile, EA Labels presideent Frank Gibeau noted on the EA Blog that, “John is a rare breed. His personal vitality and true passion for fun helped to define the spirit of PopCap and the games they make.”

At least that “all new Peggle” is coming though, right?

PegglePlants vs ZombiesPopCap Interactive