PROJEKT1514, A New Game By DIMPS, Being Teased By Bandai Namco

Now what could this game be?

Bandai Namco is teasing a mysterious new game, codename PROJEKT1514, via a new teaser. The game is apparently being developed by DIMPS (the folks you might know for Street Fighter 4 and Sonic 4), and will have a dark atmosphere in a military setting.

The teaser, which you can see for yourself below, also asks questions like “Which world is this?” and “What are they fighting for?”, implying that we may be looking at some sort of war story- possibly with a science fiction (or really socially conscious) bent, but definitely a military story at any rate.

We know nothing more about it- we don’t know its final name, release date, or even platforms. However, Gamescom, Tokyo Game Show, and Paris Games Week are all around the corner, so maybe Bandai Namco takes the wraps off of the game some time around then? And hey, maybe this can be one of the games that they were alluding to with their commitment to future Switch support, too. We’ll see.

bandai namcoprojekt 1514