PS4 Exclusive Fist of The North Star – Hokuto Ga Gotoku First Review Score Is 35/40 From Famitsu

The game has scored a total of 35 out of 40.

The Fist of The North Star PS4 Exclusive Hokuto Ga Gotuko is now out in Japan and it has received fantastic scores from Famitsu. In fact, it has received the highest score among all the games reviewed by Famitsu in this week. While there weren’t many other major games releasing this week, the game’s score is still impressive all on its own.

Hokuto Ga Gotuko is a game that mixes  the gameplay style of the Yakuza games with the popular anime/manga series Fist of the North Star. Since the Yakuza franchise is already known and loved in the West, it may be possible that the game will have a western release if there is enough demand for it. The game has received a score of 35 from Famitsu with scores of 9,9,9 and 8.

The game also received a demo on the Japanese PSN store recently. Thoughts on this review score? Let us know in the comments section below.

fist of the north starHokuto ga Gotokups4Segayakuza