PS4 Exclusive Hokuto Ga Gotoku Receives More Gameplay Footage

Please, please say you're going to localize this already!

Yet another broadcast about Fist of the North Star for PS4 has come and gone courtesy of Sega, with General Director and Sega Chief Creative Officer Toshihiro Nagoshi, and Ayana Tsubaki commentating and reflecting on the game while Producer Daisuke Sato played the game live.

You can check out all the big moments in the videos below, including some intense battle sequences where Kenshiro uses the enemies own death cries against them, some heads explode as the player explores a fairly extensive map. Some Yakuza staples such as the baseball mini game take new forms here, as Kenshiro uses a beam to bat away goons.

The Yakuza style still looks like an amazing fit for the Fist of the North Star license and all the hidden fan service goodies like the Talisman  which let Kenshiro use signature attacks of other series favourites in the usual over the top style elevate it that much more. Launching on March 8th in Japan, there’s still no word on a localized release for other territories, though it is expected to launch in the west.

fist of the north star Hokuto Ga GotokuSega