PS4 Pro Sells 65,000 Units In Its First Week in Japan

But the real winner is something else entirely.

It looks like the PS4 Pro managed to do enormously well in Japan- during its launch week, it managed to sell 65,194 units (which is especially impressive when you consider that only four days of sales were really tracked for the platform). Given the price of the PS4 Pro, the fact that the PS4 Slim has been the unit that Sony has been trying to push in the region, and just the state of Japan’s home console market, that is enormously successful.

Overall sales of the PS4 came to 93,512 units, which is exceptionally good, and for any other week, would have managed to make the PS4 Pro the winner in Japan by far- but during this week, managed to represent it being outsold by a factor of almost three by something else.

Nintendo’s NES Mini has been a great big success worldwide- that includes Japan too, where, during its first week on the market, which was last week, the system sold a staggering 262,961 units, making it the undisputed winner. Of course, the Famicom Mini is far cheaper, and is not likely to be a long term product like the PS4 Pro is- but it’s an amusing dampener Nintendo put on the PS4 Pro launch nonetheless.

Regardless, it is good to see signs of life in the console market in Japan again- who knows, if they can keep this up, the high end gaming market in Japan may yet return.

Japannintendo famicom minips4 pro