PS4/Xbox 720 Existence Hinted By Capcom, Next-Gen Gamers To Be Disrupted By Mobile Gaming – Report

Consoles will not become extinct or will they?

According to a new Capcom survey it apparently hints the existence of PS4 and Xbox 720, as reported by Examiner. It clearly says that whether you would buy the next generation system from Sony and Microsoft or not.

All the platforms are listed here and it’s not a secret that these additional platforms will be revealed soon because successors to the PS3 and Xbox 360 are long due.

The feedback will take 10 minutes to complete and Capcom “are gathering feedback from consumers on projects they would like to see from Capcom in the DIGITAL game space (not retail).”

The survey features some questions about the buying habits, game preferences and franchise interests.

In another news, the CEO of DeNA’s ngmoco subsidiary, has said that consoles next-gen could become purely for the hobbyist market because of the rise of tablets.

“I believe their market share will be eroded due to the opportunities that tablets can provide to more consumers all over the world,” he told GI.Biz.

“I do believe there will always be a console market – my sense is it will become ultracore, almost like hobbyist, in the way that certain genres of entertainment or product become hobbyist over time as people have migrated to other things.

“You just have to look at the way every subsequent launch of technology in this space has outpaced its predecessor. The iPod Touch came out, which was the first smart touchscreen device, and then the iPhone came out, and it was three times in terms of the adoption rate. Then the iPad comes out, and it’s ten times the adoption rate of the iPhone.

“That’s because these are wonderful devices for now, for the way people live their lives. They’re on the go, they have restricted time, and they want every single moment to be valuable. And these [gesturing to a smartphone] can do that. They’re actually waste-of-time killers.”

Do you think he has a point? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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