PS4/Xbox 720 Update: Hideo Kojima On What Next Generation Consoles Need To Do

Yo Yo Kojima.

Hideo Kojima is someone that really uses the console hardware he is given to its limits, and we’ve seen this with the PS2 and PS3, even the PSP. However, there’s still a thought in everyone’s minds as to what the next-gen consoles will bring.

In an interview with Hip Hop Gamer (via EGM) he has revealed what he wants in a next-gen console and what they need to do as well. He said that inter connectivity will be the main thing that will distinguish successful consoles from the rest.

He said that game consoles must be able to connect with phones, tablets and other devices, maybe even your fridge, to be able to really provide an edge when it comes to keeping relevant to the current market trends. He obviously dodged all questions about the actual next-gen consoles but what do you expect?

He spoke in Japanese and use a translator to answer the questions, but I think he understands English but after that VGA humiliation last year, I guess he will stick to Japanese.

Check out the video below, and trust me, it’s not embarrassing at all.

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