Purple 3DS coming to North America on May 20th

The 3DS gets a new colour and you know how important colours are for Nintendo systems, right? Nintendo has announced that the new colour will be Midnight Purple and it will be available on May 20th in North America.

It will launch on the same day Mario Tennis will be available, so buyers have a reason to pick up this new coloured system from Nintendo. As if the Mario games weren’t enough!

It will be priced at the same $169.99, and the other colours for the system are: Cosmo Black, Aqua Blue, Flame Red and Pearl Pink. I have a Cosmo Black one and I don’t think the Purple one suits me, but it does look great.

Nintendo 3DS lets users enjoy games and videos in 3D without the use of special glasses. Mario Tennis Open adds to the strong library of Nintendo 3DS games, which also includes Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir. Fans also can check out 3D videos on Nintendo Video and access new and classic downloadable games in the Nintendo eShop.

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NintendoPurple 3DS