Quantic Dream Registers “SingularityPS4.com”, Hints Towards Next Gen Title?

Follow that up with comments of "Ya think?"

Let the speculations and conspiracy theories run rampant. Quantic Dream, known for adventure titles (like Heavy Rain) and soon to be released Beyond: Two Souls, registered a new domain name today: singularityps4.com.

And if that isn’t an indicator of the PS4’s imminent arrival, nothing is.

Truth be told, it raises more questions than it answers. Isn’t there already a game called Singularity for consoles and PC (Raven Software’s FPS comes to mind)? What of Beyond: Two Souls, which will be featuring a brand new engine according to director David Cage?

How far can we expect Singularity, much less any word of when the Playstation 4 – which it indeed is being called now – will release? And for the love of all that is holy, does it also feature Ellen Paige?

What we do know is that it may be loosely based on Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity is Near, which was an influence on a tech demo Quantic Dream did called “Kara”. The naming convention for the site is also in keeping with the developer’s usual efforts. For example, heavyrainps3.com and beyondps3.com.

Many many questions but very answers to be had. As always, we’ll wait till this year’s E3 for the latest scoop.

Source: Superannuation

KARAnext-genps4Quantic DreamSingularity