Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology Coming To Nintendo 3DS

Second tim'e the charm?

Do you remember Radiant Historia? The Nintendo DS RPG was superlative, and everyone who played it fell in love with it. There was one caveat- with the game getting a very limited release near the end of Nintendo DS’s life cycle (it wasn’t even released in Europe), not many people got to play it at all to begin with.

Well, the game gets a second shot at glory. Atlus has confirmed today that Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology, an enhanced remake of the Nintendo DS game, will be coming exclusively to the Nintendo 3DS. Which, in an eerie parallel, is like releasing the original game on the DS in 2011, when the 3DS was already out- but in this case, we at least know that Nintendo plans on supporting the 3DS until next year, meaning the game shouldn’t get totally swamped and glossed over.

As we learn more, we will let you know. Hopefully, a western release date will be confirmed soon.

AtlusNintendo 3DSradiant historia perfect chronology