Reason For Silent Hill Collection’s Re-Recorded Voice Acting?

Curious as to why a total re-reocrding of the voice acting in Silent Hill 2 & 3 for the upcoming Silent Hill collection is taking place, one fan took matters into his own fans and asked actor Guy Chih, who voiced SH2 protagonist James Sunderland, if he could shed any light on the sitaution. His response was as follows:

“Sure, I’d do it again if they asked me but they won’t. The problem is that Konami has already been notified they own me residuals for all previous re-uses of my mocap and voice recordings. Changing the voice won’t excuse them with the next release because my mocap is there all in there. (Sorry, Konami, I own those rights!) I’ll get around to seeking compensation through the court one of these days. I simply don’t have the time for it right now. Anybody who has ever sought justice through the cout knows how much money and energy it takes. Hope this doesn’t bum you guys out… It’s just the way it is.”

Thanks to Game Set Watch for the info.

silent hill 2Silent Hill Collection