Rocksmith 2014 Edition Full Track List Revealed

Over fifty songs with Rocksmith 2014.

The full track list for Ubisoft’s upcoming authentic guitar simulator, Rocksmith 2014 Edition, has been revealed. The full playlist has 55 songs, ranging from classic hits to modern, er, hits.

Plus, owners of the first game will be able to import songs from that game into Rocksmith 2014 Edition to expand the already extensive playlist even further (albeit for a small fee). The fee applies because each song from the first game has been reworked for all the new mechanics and features that the 2014 Edition offers (although, Ubisoft reminds us, the DLC from the first game will be compatible free of charge).

The newly revealed songs include Peace of Mind by Boston, Monster Truck by Sweet Mountain River, and System of a Down by Hypnotize.

Rocksmith 2014 Edition will be coming for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC (both PC and Mac), and allows players to plug in any guitar or bass directly into the system and get the real string instrument experience. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more details.

Rocksmithrocksmith 2014Ubisoft