GTA 5: Rockstar Working on a Fix For Vanishing Vehicles Bug

What, you thought I'd stop posting GTA news just because the game had released?

Rockstar’s GTA 5 is a sprawling, epic game, and as we have repeatedly seen over the last few years, games of that size and scope tend to be plagued with bugs. And while GTA 5 is a hell of a lot more polished than, say, Skyrim or Assassin’s Creed III, it’s still got a few glitches of its own.

Take, for example, the vanishing vehicles glitch- if you customize a vehicle and then complete a mission, the vehicle is likely to disappear. Poof. Gone. Players have been reporting losing vehicles and hours spent on customizations, after storing vehicles in garages.

Rockstar is already hard at work on a fix for the glitch, but in the meantime, it has asked players to refrain from much heavy usage of garages. It suggests that the problem might be rooted in players driving a customized vehicle not linked with the character who customized it in the first place.

It’s a minor annoyance, but it’s there. Soon, it won’t be. This shouldn’t stop you from enjoying Rockstar’s magnum opus.

[Rockstar Support]

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