Rocksteady Studios may have seemingly fallen off the face of the Earth following their critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham City, with WB Games Montreal handling the recently released Batman: Arkham Origins. However, according to screenshots that have emerged from IGN Benelux writer Jan Meijroos’s Twitter account (courtesy NeoGAF), Rocksteady is apparently showcasing its newest game to the press.
The tweet was quickly deleted and indicates the studio’s address. Meijroos was asked about what he was having a look at and replied that he couldn’t offer any information until a month later.
There have been rumours that Rocksteady is working on the next sequel to Batman Arkham, with this game to be a true sequel to Arkham City (Arkham Origins acting as the prequel in the trilogy). It could be that they’re working on something completely different as well. We’ll have to wait and find out. Stay tuned in the coming month for more details.