Roxio Game Capture- capture, edit and share your gameplay moments



Wonder how we reviewers get such great screenshots and videos for video games captured in real time? We certainly don’t take print screens, that’s for sure.

We use softwares, and one such software is Roxio Game Capture, which allows you to capture high quality, full HD videos and screenshots directly from your PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 games in real time. You can do many other things- you can personalize your videos by adding your voice overs or webcam commentary, share of sites such as Facebook, YouTube or WeGame, or just capture moments of your playthroughs that you want to share with everyone.

On the PC, using Roxio Game Capture, you can save and post files up to 5X smaller than other solutions, and the console version of this software includes a USB capture device, editing software, and component video, RCA audio and USB cables.

For your PCs, you can buy this software for just £39.99 and for £79.99 on the consoles. To buy the software and get more info on it, go through this link.

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roxio game capture