RUMOR ALERT: Battlefield 3 Coming to the 3DS

Of all the crazy rumors…

So, there’s been some sort of a goof up on EA’s Portugal website. The site’s Battlefield 3 page lists the platforms the game is coming on, and, well…

Take a look for yourself.

The Nintendo 3DS is listed as a platform for the game. This can mean one of three things:

  • The 3DS is also getting Battlefield 3- this was supposed to be announced later, but has been leaked early mistakenly
  • It’s a typo, and they meant to type in Nintendo Wii U. This would make some sense, considering just how many times EA has hinted at Battlefield 3 coming to Nintendo’s console
  • The entire Nintendo angle is a mistake, and they meant to type Xbox 360 (which, as you’ll notice, is missing)
Be as it may, it might be that the 3DS is getting a version of Battlefield 3. That’ll certainly be a major coup for the system.
We’ll keep you guys posted.
3DSBattlefield 3