Rumor: Black Wii making its way to NA in May

According to number of retailers such as Gamestop, Target and Future Shop, the new Black Wii which was released in Japan last year will be making its way to the United States on May 9 and Canada on May 23.

Along with those retails shop, another one called FYE told Kotaku that “A new Wii bundle is bound for the United States and Canada in May, one that will include a black-colored Wii console, first released in Japan in the summer of 2009. The new Wii bundle appears to include copy of Wii Sports Resort and a Wii MotionPlus add-on in the package. The new bundle is listed at $199.99 USD.”

No official word from Nintendo, yet when they have been questioned on this, Nintendo said that they don’t comment on rumors, how surprising.
