Creative director at Microsoft Games Studios Alan Orth really became famous overnight, didn’t he? After defending the status of an always-online machine – and being eviscerated for it – news has come via reputed blogger Superannuation that two big upcoming titles are also rumoured to require a constant online connection.
As he tweeted recently, he states that “Watch_Dogs and AC4 are also rumored to have a persistent connection requirement? Can buy Watch_Dogs having one, iffy on AC requiring online.”
This is interesting because these are two games that are confirmed to be cross generational. And does it means they’ll be always online for both the Xbox 720 and PS4, or just the former? Or could it be that some publishers are capable of selecting which platforms have it?
Whatever the case may be, it’s confusing for Ubisoft since they removed the always-online DRM requirements for the Assassin’s Creed series after a humongous public uproar. Could it be making a return after all? Take this with a grain of salt as we approach E3 2013.