The news these days reads like a prediction of doom for Nintendo’s Wii U console, with reports that the console has only managed to sell 160,000 units in the past three months ending June 30th worldwide and analysts predicting that the console’s holiday line-up will be important in deciding the future of the console.
In its annual report for 2013, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata talked about the company’s strategy relating to “the expansion of the gaming population, which is to encourage as many people in the world as possible, regardless of age, gender or gaming experience, to embrace and enjoy playing video games.” He later stated that he is looking for the company to achieve “Nintendo-like” profits for the fiscal year ending March 31st 2014.
Meanwhile, the company will continue to create “brand-new and unique proposals, and make efforts for the growth of the home entertainment industry with a mission that is to pleasantly surprise people and put smiles on the faces of everyone Nintendo touches.”